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  • Decor / DIY / Fall

    DIY Painted Flower Pots

    Fall is my all-time favourite season. I feel like people either love it or hate it. I get that it’s getting cold, rains a lot and it’s ushering in the start of the dreaded winter season, but those of…

  • Lifestyle

    One Month in the New Home

    It’s hard to believe that we’ve been in our new home for one full month. I actually feel like I blinked and the first four weeks just flew by. Likely also contributing to time moving at the speed of…

  • Fashion / Kids

    Back to School Gear with Sport Chek

    If I were to ask for a show of hands of how many parents were NOT ready for back to school this year, would your hand be raised? Now, I’ll obviously never SEE if your hand is up or…