Welcome back to Week 2 of the One Room Challenge! We are making over our daughters bedroom these next eight weeks – if you missed Week 1 where we showed all the ugly BEFORE pictures, make sure to click…
Decor / One Room Challenge
Hello friends and welcome to our SEVENTH instalment of the One Room Challenge! We have been participating in this online, six week renovation challenge for the last few years, having renovated the following spaces: Boys Room, Master Bedroom, Living…
Kids / Kids Birthday's
A couple of weeks back, it was our oldest child’s birthday. She turned 10 years old. While turning 10 is already a big milestone and in of itself, she also turned 10 on the 10th – which is considered…
Baked Goods / Food
I think most people would agree that there isn’t much more satisfying than the most chewiest chocolate chip cookie ever, amiright?! In my search for that BEST chocolate chip cookie recipe over the years, I’ve found I’ve had to…
Entertaining / Onscreen Entertainment
Since we are all spending A LOT more time inside during this coronavirus pandemic, it’s safe to say that many of us are taking up the hobby of binge-watching any and every show we can! But with so many…
Beauty / Health & Fitness / Inspiration / Lifestyle
The world has changed drastically for everyone in the last few weeks, causing many of us to feel like we’ve been whiplashed and leaving many high levels of stress and anxiety. Some of us have lost our jobs, others…