Welcome to Week 2 of our Maximalistic French Powder Room Renovation! We are participating in this years One Room Challenge where we are renovating the smallest room in our new home – only 25 square feet!
Last week, we shared with you our inspiration for the space. If you missed it, make sure to catch up HERE. We were so overwhelmed with the positive feedback from everyone and we can’t wait to start pulling the space together.

But before all the “pretty” can happen, we’ve got to strip it down to the bones. That’s right, this room, like our laundry room renovation last Fall, is a complete gut job.
So brace yourself, because these are by far the UGLIEST pictures this blog has EVER posted! LOL! I’m kind of embarrassed that I’m sharing these for the world to see! But alas, this is how our powder room looks!

As I mentioned last week, when we tore down the laundry room, we ended up “stealing” some space from the adjoining powder room. We tore down the wall between the two spaces and moved it back into the powder room by about three feet.

We obviously finished up the wall on the laundry room side, but we never got around the finishing up the powder room side. Chris had one piece of drywall leftover, so he managed to put it on the upper part of the wall, mainly to anchor the electrical to keep it safe for the kids.

I actually don’t have a picture of what it looked like before we tore down the wall on the powder room side of things, but there used to be a double wide vanity, which we thought was totally unnecessary and why we claimed some of the square footage into the laundry room.

But once we took out the vanity, we knew that we needed a temporary sink for the space to somewhat function until this renovation. So I visited our local ReStore and found this basic white ceramic pedestal sink for $30. Then we grabbed the cheapest faucet we could from the hardware store, as the previous one didn’t fit into this pedestal sink and basically just called it a day.

Every time I have gone into this space for the last five months, I cringe! We even hosted a huge Christmas party here a few weeks after we finished the laundry room and I couldn’t believe this was the washroom our guests had to use! But hey, that’s the new of game when renovating an old house, right?!

Well friends, it can only go up from here, right?!
Stay tuned next week as we tear it all down to start building it back up. We have to do the plumbing, electrical, drywall and flooring all before we start making it pretty again!
Love & Blessings,