• Fashion / Kids / Lifestyle

    Getting Your Kids Eyes Back-to-School Ready

    Brought to you by Pearle Vision and TheCo.

    It’s hard to believe that school is about four weeks away for most kids here in Canada. Many of us are still enjoying those lazy summer beach days with the warm weather while we can.

    But rest assured, September IS coming and the kids WILL be going back to school.

    If you are like me, you tend to leave the back-to-school shopping until the very last minute, making the mad dash to the stores and picking out whatever is leftover so that the kids are somewhat ready for the first day back.

    Most parents make sure that their kids are properly equipped with school supplies as well as new threads and kicks for their school comeback, but often don’t think to make sure their eyes are well prepared as well.

    Did you know that kids eyes change quite rapidly as they are growing? That is why the Canadian government actually covers yearly check-ups for kids up to the age of 20. And unlike my last minute mad dash to the store for supplies, this is something that needs to be taken care of a few weeks prior to the start of school to make sure they have the absolute most successful start to the new year.

    Although I had my kids eyes checked last year, I know how important it is to get them checked again, so I took my oldest recently into Pearle Vision for a routine eye exam*. I have been so pleasantly surprised by how comfortable my kids have been during the eye exams and I truly believe it comes down to the gentle and caring disposition of the doctors and office staff. The machines and equipment that they use could look somewhat scary to a five or six year old, but when it’s explained at their level and made into a bit of a game, my kids think it’s one of the coolest “doctor” experiences out there.

    One of the things that I learned on this recent trip to Pearle Vision that I wasn’t aware of before is just how sensitive the kids eyes are to sunlight and without proper protection, it can cause damage to their rapidly growing eyes. That is why sunglasses are so important for young kids to wear, even if they don’t want to. Think of it like sunscreen for their eyes…you wouldn’t let them play out in 30-degree weather with the sun shining without sunscreen, so it’s best to not let them outside without sun protection for their eyes either.

    My daughter had complained a little about not being able to see the white board at school, which I learned from the Optometrist is a quite normal complaint for kids her age, because their eyes are still small and developing. She didn’t require a prescription this time, but he encouraged me to continue to make her wear sunglasses while outside and make sure to come back for a check-up before the next school year starts.

    Even though she didn’t need glasses this time around, she wanted to have a little bit of fun trying on all kinds of funky glasses. She will often try my glasses on at home and pretend to be a teacher at school. And what’s funny is that I can remember as a young child thinking glasses were the coolest thing and always wanting a pair. So we had some fun inside Pearle Vision trying on all kinds of glasses and I gotta say, she looked SO cute and fashionable with all the styles they had to offer!

    So as you may not be quite at the stage of picking up new backpacks and stuffing them with binders and pencils, it is time to book those eye exams for your kids and make sure their eyes are in tip top shape once September rolls around.

    To make it even easier for you, Pearle Vision has made it so you can book eye exams online through this link. Arrange your child’s eye exam today. Book from the comfort of your own home, at the time that is most convenient for you!

    Now if only ALL of the back-to-school preparations were THAT easy!

    Love & Blessings,





    *Eye exam arranged

    Note: This post was sponsored by Pearle Vision where I may have received perks such as product and/or compensation in exchange for an honest review. All of the opinions are 100% my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that help make Amidst the Chaos possible.

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