I love spending time in the kitchen. I really mean that! One of my favourite things to do is to prepare a meal for friends or family. There is just something so satisfying knowing that you’ve created something that…
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Decor / Decorating Tips / DIY / Kitchens
With Earth Day coming up this weekend, April 22nd, we’ve been spending more time as a family talking about ways we can help make the earth a better place for the us now but also future generations to come.…
Decor / Home Tours
Yesterday marked the first day of SPRING! While this winter hasn’t been that bad in terms of weather (especially considering that all the networks were predicting it would be one of the worst we’d seen in decades), I’ve personally…
Decor / Kitchen Utensils / Kitchens
I love traveling. But do I ever hate the few days after you get home. Re-entering your pre-trip life can be so taxing. First, let’s talk about the time difference. I have always found that when I travelled west,…