Fall is my all-time favourite season. I feel like people either love it or hate it. I get that it’s getting cold, rains a lot and it’s ushering in the start of the dreaded winter season, but those of…
It’s hard to believe that we’ve been in our new home for one full month. I actually feel like I blinked and the first four weeks just flew by. Likely also contributing to time moving at the speed of…
Drinks / Entertaining / Food
Ok, so I think I blinked and summer is now almost over! I mean honestly, does anyone else feel like Summer 2018 just flew by?! To be totally honest, summer is my 3rd favourite season, behind fall and spring.…
Explore / Explore North America / Travel
What kind of traveller are you? Are you someone who likes to always be on the go? Or maybe someone who likes to discover a beach and set up camp there for a full day? Or perhaps you’re someone…
Explore / Explore North America / Travel
I’ve you’ve been following our family along our summer adventures, you know we’ve been pretty busy between travel and deciding to sell our home while buying a new one! There seems to always be something on the go every…