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  • Dinner / Food

    Slow Cooker Beef Stroganoff

    Considering how much I LOVE my slow cooker, I’m surprised I haven’t blogged a recipe using it yet. That changes today! Especially when I was working, the crockpot was my go-to, life-saver, dinner-maker! Who wants to come home after…

  • Dinner / Food

    Dinner Series: What’s For Dinner {Part 3}

    Well, we have finally arrived at our 3rd and final installment of our first ever dinner series: What’s For Dinner! I’ve had so much fun sharing this series with you and I’ve loved hearing all the feedback from people…

  • Dinner / Food

    Dinner Series: What’s For Dinner {Part 2}

    We are back for Part 2 of our new and exciting dinner series: What’s For Dinner?! Last week, I shared with you Part 1, which was the absolutely delicious, finger-licking good, wish-you-had-more oven roasted broccoli! Otherwise known as candy…

  • Dinner / Food

    Dinner Series: What’s For Dinner {Part 1}

    I am really excited to share with you all tonights post! Not only is it a super yummy, flavor-packed, healthy dish, but it’s also the first ever recipe series we are going to do! Over the next three weeks,…

  • Dinner / Food

    One Pot Wonder: Macaroni Bolognese

    For my birthday, this past fall, my mother-in-law gave me a dutch oven! I have been wanting one for a few years, ever since I really started cooking (I will post about my journey into cooking sometime). I couldn’t…

  • Dinner / Food

    Basa Curry

    So here is my first main course recipe entry!  Awhile back, I came across a Fish & Veggie Curry recipe online. I spent awhile reading past the actual recipe to the comments from other users (something I’m quickly learning…