Summer time is in full swing and so are outdoor parties and get togethers. We absolutely love getting our friends and family together to have fun in the sun, while enjoying some yummy eats.
One of my favorite dishes to make for summer get togethers is this broccoli salad. This has been a family favorite for years as my mom used to make this all the time. I asked my mom where this recipe came from, and it was just passed along from other church ladies many, many years ago. And with that said, I’m sure you’ve seen all kinds of broccoli salad recipes, but let me tell you, you’ve probably never tasted one as good as THIS! No joke! I’ve made a few different ones and my husband will ALWAYS ask me to make this one over the others.
Part of the reason, I think, is because we make ours with grapes, which is different from traditional ones that use raisins. Can I confess something right here and now? I actually HATE raisins. Like LOATHE raisins. I’m not sure why, but I will ALWAYS pick them out of any baked good and if one just happens to sneak past me and get into my mouth, rest assured, my taste buds will promptly REJECT it on their own. Just so gross. HA!
We were talking about what makes this salad SO good and I think it’s because it satisfies every food sense out there. The salad offers both hard and softer crunch. There is sweet and sour (vinegar) present in every bite. There is also salt from the bacon in there. And the nuttiness from the roasted almonds brings such a richness to the bite. I mean, your taste buds are SO satisfied with ever single bite.
Ok, so now that you are probably drooling, let’s dive right into the recipe, shall we?! One quick warning though, there is A LOT of chopping. DON’T LET THAT SCARE YOU! Trust me, it WILL be worth it. PROMISE!

- 1 head of broccoli (rinsed in salty water)
- 6-8 slices of bacon (cut package of bacon in half)
- 1 cup red grapes
- 1 cup green grapes
- 1 cup slivered almonds, roasted
- 2 sticks of celery
- 1 shallot
- 1 cup mayonnaise
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 1 tbsp white vinegar
- Soak broccoli in salty water to thoroughly rinse and clean.
- Cut broccoli into bite size pieces.
- Fry the bacon, pat off grease and cut into small pieces.
- Wash grapes and then cut in half.
- Next, wash and cut celery into small, bite-sized pieces.
- Dice shallots.
- Slowly roast slivered almonds.
- In a separate bowl, mix together ingredients for the dressing. Taste as you make it, ensuring the sweet to sour ratio is just right.
- Place all the chopped ingredients into the salad bowl, cover with dressing and toss well.
- This salad is best served chilled.
- I don't often measure out the vegetables. I usually make for how many guests I know are coming and then adjust my dressing accordingly. Use this recipe as a guideline!
Love & Blessings,