This Spring, Dairy Famers of Ontario (DFO) launched the “Dairy Done Right” campaign which is a short TV commercial in which a real Ontario dairy farmer reads aloud a letter to his children detailing all of the values he hopes to instill in them while growing up on a dairy farm.

I’m not gonna lie, as parents, watching that commercial had us feeling all of the feels! Whether you’re a dairy farmer, a doctor, an accountant or a stay-at-home mom or dad, all parents can relate to wanting to instill good values in their kids. We all want our kids to grow up to be good people, who go on to do good things.

So we decided to write my own letter to our kids, inspired by DFO’s commercial (and we encourage you to do the same for your children)!
Dear Kids,
We’ve had a lot of changes over the last few years – we’ve moved twice, we’ve changed communities and schools, we’ve made new friends and lost a few.
Through it all, you’ve shown great resilience. Even when situations weren’t ideal or things were happening that you weren’t happy about, you pushed through, accepting the circumstances and every single time, coming out stronger and more happy than you were before.

Life doesn’t always go as planned, but making the most of every situation – learning what we can and pressing onward, is something I hope you will continue to do as you grow.
We’ve also gone on so many incredible adventures, both locally and abroad and your curiosity about life and culture has broadened. You’ve tried new foods, explored new sites, met new people and even learned some new languages.

Our hope for you is that you will never stop seeking adventure. We hope that you will continue to have a deep longing to see the world, experience other cultures and learn all that you can.
Of all the lessons and values we hope to teach you, many of them can’t be taught in a classroom or read in a book – they have to be experienced – both through good and hard times. We hope that you will always keep an open mind, that you will love fiercely, that you will always treat others with respect and most of all, you will never stop learning!

We love you so much!
Mom & Dad
Disclaimer: This post was developed in paid partnership with Dairy Farmers of Ontario, but all opinions are my own.