I don’t know about you, but my kids are snackers. We are talking, non-stop, could-eat-all-day, would-rather-have-a-granola-bar-than-a-sandwich, kind of snackers. I’ve actually had to put the snacks under lock and key before because even when I think I’ve placed the snack box out of reach, my little monkey’s ALWAYS find a way to get them. Now, to be fair, they do come by it honestly. I am a HUGE snacker as well. In fact, I would rather eat smaller, snack-style meals…
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Entertaining / Kids / Seasonal Parties
Spring is here and it’s hard to believe that this coming weekend is Easter! Truly one of our favourite times of the year as there is new life starting to bloom outside, fresh tulips adorning the vases at home…
Entertaining / Seasonal Parties
A few weeks ago, one of my dear friends Jessica Glaze and I decided to pull together a kids Easter party, with our five children, as well as some of our favorite brands out there! With Spring finally here,…